ICL yesterday extended its node multiprocessor mainframe cluster concept down to the CMOS DM/1 Series 39 processor, coming out with three new multi-node systems, the Levels 25XP/2, 35/XP/3 and 35XP/4, the subscript referring to the number of nodes. The company has also increased main memory on all the current DM/1 models – 15XP, 25XP and 35XP by between 8Mb and 32Mb, having, as has often been the case with the ICL mainframe line, found that the performance improves dramatically with more memory. The entry-level 25XP/2 is designed to provide a lower entry point for disaster-tolerant processing. Key feature of the nodal architecture is that the loosely-coupled multiprocessors are linked by the company’s 50Mbps Macrolan fibre optic link, also used to connect peripherals, so that elements of the system can be over a mile apart, enabling users to configure their systems with similar security to that afforded by a disaster recovery service. ICL rates the new 25XP/2 at 28,000 transactions an hour on simulations of the Ramp-C benchmark; the 35XP/3 rates 59,000 and the 35XP/4 80,000 transactions an hour. Typical pricing is UKP200,000 for the 25XP/2 with 16Mb on each side. The company also announced a new XSXC High Speed X25 Controller for use with the larger Series 39 mainframes; it links direct to the Macrolan channel and supports from four to 10 64Kbps lines with maximum throughput of X25 90 packets per line; it supports up to 8,000 remote terminals. There is also a new Mk3 version of the MCU1 Gateway that provides X25 access on the smaller Series 39s via the Oslan Ethernet-compatible local area network. Both devices support the X29 standard for asynchronous devices. The company has also added an IBM 3480-compatible MT3000 cartridge tape drive that can preload up to 10 cartridges, each holding up to 200Mb of data; a minimum system has two drives. Two new laser printers, the PP200 for continuous stationery, running at 100 pages a minute, and the PP240 cut sheet printer, running at 40 pages per minute, were also announced. No prices were given for the new peripherals.