The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) has dotted the Is and crossed the Ts on the bylaws it drew up for its domain name supporting organization (DNSO) and posted them on its web site for public comment. The ICANN board will hold a meeting via teleconference on March 31 at which point it will weigh any comments received. There are no major changes to the draft bylaws drawn up after the ICANN meeting in Singapore at the start of this month, which were drawn from comments received at the meeting and online.

Regarding the controversial issue of constituencies – ICANN defined seven it saw being formed within the DNSO, with each constituency proposing representatives for the names council steering committee, ICANN says that if some find themselves excluded from the constituencies it has defined, they could self- form on an ad-hoc basis for approval by the other constituencies. Some in the community have already started the process of forming a registrar constituency within the DNSO general assembly, for instance, while others never wanted ICANN to define any constituencies and let them all to form through a bottom-up process. The ICANN board hopes the names council and general assembly can hold their first meetings at the time of the next ICANN board meeting in Berlin in late May. รก