IBM has unveiled a new software platform, which it claims to be designed to change the way that local, state and national governments manage and deliver services to the public.

The new government industry framework is a base software platform that is enhanced by the contributions of independent software developers who use it as a foundation to build applications that address particular issues across government. It helps agencies use new technologies to transform their existing support and delivery processes, IBM said.

The company said that the new framework utilises elements of its software portfolio including WebSphere, Rational, Tivoli, Lotus and information management products while leveraging the full range of IBM server and storage products.

According to IBM, the new framework offers technologies to meet demands around five areas including tax and revenue management, safety and security by improving border security, social services and social security, integrated urban infrastructures, and metropolitan transportation and roads.

The company claims that the new framework helps governments improve services to their citizens at a lower cost with reduced risk while laying the foundation to build future sustainable dynamic infrastructure.

In addition, the new offering is backed by the new industry framework business partner validation program for government that will oversee and support partner activity in generating government software offerings.

Gerry Mooney, general manager for global government and education at IBM, said: IBM has decades of experience working with various government entities worldwide and understands the need for a unified approach that helps maximise limited budgets, while meeting a demand for services that has never been greater. We are bringing that expertise to a single integrated platform that can now connect different agency teams for real-time views that span the entire government structure, allowing for a quicker, more targeted response as situations of all kinds emerge.