IBM’s Tuesday announcement this week was a gentle reminder that despite the fact that users are being hustled to upgrade to Enterprise Systems Architecture, large parts of what they need are not yet in place, and the company moved to remedy some of that by bringing out MVS/ESA versions of several key communications products. ACF/VTAM 3.3 provides enhancements in Type 4/5 and Type 2.1 node connections and to the Logical Unit 6.2 Application Program Interface and ios accompanied by ACF/VTAM 3 for MVS/ESA, providing the same functions as 3.3 for MVS/XA. It’s out at year-end for $116,900 to $268,400 for MVS. A new 3.3 release of X25 Network Control Program Packet Switching Interface, arriving in May 1990 for MVS at $4,000 to $13,230 also supports the new ACF/VTAM release. The latest release of the NetView, release 3, is also the first for MVS/ESA and despite having the same release number as the last XA version, adds several ESA-only features. It is $56,110 to $126,500 from December 1. And ACF/NCP 5.3 on 3745 and 3720 communications processors supports remote controllers, enhances Type 2.1 node support, including casual connection, for MVS, VM and DOS/VSE users. It arrives year-end for MVS; no price.