Above Software Inc, Santa Ana, California is chortling over IBM’s decision to recommend its AboveDisc to its 3,000 authorised dealers and value-added resellers, and is bundling the program with every AT extended memory board it ships in the US, and has announced an enhanced 3.0 version of the program: AboveDisc simulates the Lotus-Intel-Microsoft Expanded Memory Specification, transforming into usable RAM all memory available on the motherboard, IBM memory expansion adaptors, third-party extended memory cards, and the memory capacity of the hard disk, and Version 3.0 increases the real memory available still further by reducing the AboveDisc code to 2Kb of RAM on an 80286 box and 14Kb on an 80386; it sells for $100, features instant self configuration, and supports EMS 4.0 or 3.2 and all MS-DOS kit.