IBM Corp’s going to crank the successful data mining concept another notch September 22nd when it begins to put some marketing dollars behind application mining; extracting legacy data for use in modern applications. Key to the campaign is gateway technology from New York city-based partner Planetworks which provides a gateway between Java, Visual Basic and PowerBuilder desktop front-ends and middleware which can access legacy systems. Planetworks’ Interspace software will be offered as Desktop Integrator for IBM. It supports Encina, Tuxedo, Corba, Top End and DCOM and can access back-end CICS, IMS, Unix and batch processing systems. Interspace runs on AIX, NT and now Solaris too after a six month delay to accommodate operating system upgrades (CI No 3,038). Interspace is a Java-enabled version of Planetworks parent, OLTP integrator Tangent International Inc’s Distributed Computing Integrator (DCI) PowerBuilder-based development tool.