By Timothy Prickett Morgan

With technology in laptops, desktops, and server areas changing every other week, it is very difficult to standardize on one particular model of PC or server and be confident the technology will stay up to date. Moreover, if users try to replace a component in an existing or older machine, often they find that part has been discontinued. But under a new channel scheme called the Options Continuation Program, IBM is working with iGo Corp and IT Exchange to provide either new or refurbished parts of ThinkPad laptops, PC 300 desktops, IntelliStation workstations and Netfinity servers.

After IBM kills off a product, Igo and IT Exchange will continue to offer parts for the products saving customers from having to upgrade their machines so often. IBM says the move will lower the total cost of ownership for its corporate customers because they will be able to zero in on a few different PC platforms rather than buying dozens which will all need period upgrading.

iGo, which is based in Reno, Nevada, and which currently sells over 130 options for IBM’s ThinkPads, will be handling the Options Continuation deal for the ThinkPad line, while IT Exchange, based in Raleigh, North Carolina, will handle spare parts for IBM commercial desktops, workstations and servers. The company also has offices in Toronto, Canada. Under the program, both companies will offer a minimum 90-day warranty on new or used spare PC parts, provide toll-free telephone and web sales, offer global coverage and next day shipping of spare parts. For the moment, the Options Continuation program is only available in the US, Canada and Latin America.