IBM will try anything at the moment to get users to buy its Cross System Product and its latest move is the signing of K-C Computer Services, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Kimberly Clark Corp, as an IBM Business partner. Under the terms of the agreement, IBM and K-CCS will jointly market CSP/Application Development Enabler, known affectionately as CSP/ADE, a K-CCS product that enhances IBM’s CSP via three main features: Firstly, Application Models are offered as pre-coded, re-usable CSP applications thus enabling users to shorten development time. Secondly, the Enabling Toolset enhances project and system management, leading to potential savings in development costs, say the duo. Finally, Development Functions is a set of 23 new features design-ed to make it easier to manipulate numbers, data strings and dates. CSP/ADE is available now. Price depends on processing power and operating systems and ranges from $7,130 to $130,000.