A Daniel oh a Daniel come to judgement – O wise young judge, how I do honour thee: IBM Corp is making it clear that it wants its pound of flesh and will have no truck with any privately negotiated settlement with Comdisco Inc on the issue of counterfeit memory boards – it says it will press its lawsuit against Comdisco in a hearing before the federal judge in Chicago on November 6; It is regrettable that Comdisco did not choose to tell these customers or IBM the truth until after IBM filed suit to prevent this unlawful and irresponsible activity, said William Grabe, IBM vice-president and general manager, marketing and services, IBM US – We are pressing this lawsuit because Comdisco is just now offering to do what it should have been doing all along, and although Comdisco claims to have stopped shipping bogus memory at least nine months ago we have evidence to the contrary; we feel the only way to uncover the full extent of this illicit activity and to permanently stop this practice is by a court order; except for any claims that rebuilt memory is IBM memory, IBM has said that the practice it is complaining of in the US is perfectly acceptable in the European market (CI No 1,792).