IBM yesterday accompanied the top-end processor for the RT Personal with an array of lesser products including enhanced top-end processors for the Series 1 minicomputer line, two new integrated office automantion SolutionPacs, one for System 370, the other for System 36, enhanced 36 models, and enhancements to the 319X display line and 3174 controller. IBM has also announced its implementation of X Windows for the RT’s AIX. Three new processor models for the RT – the 115, 125 and B25 – feature an Advanced Processor Card with higher performance CMOS processor and memory-management chip and a 20MHz floating-point unit, and all come with 1.2Mb floppy and 70Mb internal Winchester, and can support up to 5.6Gb of external disk. The 125 and B25 take up to two additional 70Mb drives, have larger power supply and more slots than the 115 to create multiuser configurations; all three also feature an Extended ESDI disk interface running at up to 1.08Mbytes per second, supporting up to two gfloppies and three internal 70Mb Winchesters. New fast memory units of 4Mb and 8Mb can be used in combination with the 4Mb on the CPU board for a maximum 16Mb. The 115 and 125 include a keyboard, the B25 has a link for the IBM 5080 Graphic Display System and uses the 5080’s keyboard. There is a built in floating-point but an optional advanced one is also available to speed performance further. The IBM 5083 tablet, the 4202 Proprinter XL, the 3852 Colour Jetprinter, the 6184 Colour Plotter, 5842 Modem and the IBM 5082 Projection System are all supported. IBM RT Distributed Services is a new program enabling a network-connected RT user to access files, databases and programs on remote RTs, transparent to the user or application. A single file may reside on multiple RTs and be accessed as if on one. IBM RT X-Windows, based on the Massachusetts Institute of Technology standard, can support a stand-alone RT or several RT displays; IBM RT VS Fortran is an optimising compiler compatible with 370 VS Fortran, VAX Fortran and RT Fortran 77, and IBM is offering Ryan-McFarland’s RM/Cobol Compiler and Runtime System. Set for May in the US, the new RTs cost $10,600 for the 115, $16,100 for the 125 and $17,670 for the B25. Discounts of 27% are offered on 20 or more. Upgrade kits for existing RTs cost $2,495; 4Mb memory is $3,800; the 70Mb disk is $2,395; X-Windows, at $650, will not be available until September. For the other IBM products, see p2.