ACF/VTAM Version 4 Release 1 For MVS/ESA Function

Dynamic Reconfiguration enhancements mean that programmers will be able to make certain network changes without recycling VTAM or the Network Control Program. VTAM processes the definition statements while VTAM and NCP are active and this makes the changes permanent across VTAM and NCP initial program loads and eliminates the need to make changes in more than one place. Enhanced Support for VTAM Replaceable Constants makes it easier to set network parameters and to check their current value. All VTAM replaceable constants can now be set via VTAM start options, a method said to be simpler and less error-prone than currently. ACF/VTAM Version 4 enables, in interconnected networks, access to resources in different networks that have the same name without requiring name management. VTAM will now support the use of a network name with the resource name, to identify a resource uniquely. Enhancements for Dump Formatting and Trace Analysis provides a new panel-driven Common User Access-compliant tool for dump and trace analysis. VTAM Internal Trace has been enhanced to run concurrent internally and externally to reduce the need for problem recreates, and Buffer Contents Trace enhancements enable Version to support tracing the contents of inbound and outbound data buffers. The new Multipath Channel provides enhanced throughput for channel-to-channel communications, and Command Tree/2 Support makes it easier to enter VTAM commands. Operators will also be able to request, via VTAM commands, information that was not easily available previously and will get more detailed information for problem determination. In addition to these new functions, IBM says it intends to provide ACF/VTAM support for APPN connection network virtual node definition and ACF/VTAM support for APPN communication over subarea routes. No dates. Costs go from $28,000 to $576,500 and distributed licences are from $21,000 to $432,400. Monthly licences are from $583 to $12,010 and distributed licences are from $438 to $0,010. MOSP charges are from $28,000 to $518,900 and distributed options are between $21,000 and $389,200. Monthly licences – basic and distributed – go from $583 to $10,800 and $437 to $8,110 respectively.

ACF/VTAM Version 3 Release 4.1 For VM/ESA, VM/SP

ACF/VTAM 3.4.1 for VM/ESA and VM/SP is the last release of ACF/VTAM for VM/SP and future enhancements will be made on ACF/VTAM for VM/ESA. Improvements to this version include NetView Performance Monitor/VTAM Performance Data Collector for VM/ESA only; VTAM Internal trace enhancement; display trace; display VTAM start options; delayed activation of logical lines; double-byte character set support for VM SNA console support, again VM/ESA only; Command Tree/2 support; substitute Class-of-Service; SNA data compression support; IPL/dump contention improvements; and virtual route selection through the SME. It’s available December 18 at the existing price.

ACF/NCP 6.2 Networking

Advanced Communications Function/Network Control Program, ACF/NCP, 6.2 supports the new 3745 expansion frame, the 3746 Model 900, claimed to provide additional and more efficient Token-Ring adaptors as well as native connection to Escon channels. 3745-31A and 3745-61A 16Mb storage is supported and Frame Relay capability is available by using 3745s as frame handlers. ACF/NCP 6.2 provides a mixed-media multi-link transmission group capability, which enables a mixture of SDLC links, Token Rings, and Frame Relay connections in a single transmission group. The NCP capability to serve as an APPN composite network node in conjunction with ACF/VTAM Version 4 Release 1 is also provided. The collection of Ethernet performance statistics provided by this release requires NetView Performance Monitor Release 6 and its available for MVS and VM on June 25 1993. IBM says that it intends to extend the capabilities of ACF/NCP to enable a 6611 APPN network node to interoperate with a VTAM/NCP composite network node through a Frame Relay connection. IBM also intends to extend ACF/NCP to enable p

eripheral SNA devices to connect to the NCP boundary support through a Frame Relay connection. This will enable compatible Frame Relay connections, such as the PS/2 with RouteXpander/2, to pass traffic to the NCP peripheral boundary support. Basic licences go from $19,010 to $94,485. Monthly options are from $396 to $1,976.

ACF/SSP 3.8, NCPMon Feature

Advanced Communications Function/System Support Program, ACF/SSP, 3.8 provides generation and utility functions for ACF/Network Control Program 6.2, including the 3746 Model 900, and Emulation Program Release 11 equivalent to those provided in ACF/SSP 3.7. ACF/SSP Version 3.8 also provides added functions in MVS/370, MVS/XA, MVS/ESA, VM/XA, VM/SP and VM/ESA environments. A new feature, NCPMon, is available with ACF/SSP 3.7 and ACF/SSP 3.8 and it monitors the internal resources of NCPs, analysing in real-time and notifying users of potential problems. ACF/SSP Version 3.7 NCPMon Feature for MVS and VM is available now, ACF/SSP Version 3.8 and ACF/SSP Version 3.8 NCPMon Feature, also for MVS and VM, will be out on June 25. Basic charges go from $30,870 to $64,150. Monthly licences go from $611 to $1,280. NCPMon is $7,200 or $6,500, monthly licences are $150 or $135.

X25 NCP Packet Switching Interface

X25 NCP Packet Switching Interface Version 3 Release 6 supports attachment of the 3745 Communication Controller to X25 data transmission services at speeds up to 2Mbps. It is compatible with the current ACF/NCP and is said to have improved operability with CICS through enhanced GATE command support. There are additional options for connecting with ISDN and it is possible to establish an X25 Virtual Circuit between a host application and remote Data Terminal Equipment connected to a public packet switched network through a 7820 ISDN basic terminal adaptor, and a supported ISDN network via the B-Channel.