The clearest indication yet that IBM Corp plans to deliver its 64-bit AIX Unix on the Intel Corp IA-64 architecture comes from server group VP Bill Zietler who said yesterday that such an offering is likely down the road. The company re-iterated its plan to hold a conference call to discuss its plan (CI No 3,412). In appearing to toss its hat into the crowded Unix-on-Intel ring, IBM will disappoint suitors such as Sun Microsystems Inc which has been trying to win IBM around to using its Solaris x86 – unless of course Big Blue is using the AIX-on-Intel to play the suitors off against each other. AIX-on-Intel would also be a blow for its current 32-bit Intel Unix partner Santa Cruz Operation Inc, which has staked its future on delivering a 64-bit, enterprise version of its UnixWare operating system for OEM partners like IBM. News of IBM’s intent comes just a few days after Compaq Computer Corp made a big show of installing its Digital Unix acquisition as it primary 64-bit Unix operating system of choice, favoring SCO for 32-bit environments. IBM’s AIX, whose future at one time appeared to be in some doubt following an abandoned plan to move it to a microkernel architecture shared with OS/2, has been making a quiet comeback. A recent IDC report awarded AIX top 64-bit honors.