From the New Year, IBM Corp is expected to begin offering its range of distributed data and replication tools for Unix and OS/2 DB2 implementations. Beta programmes are already in place or will be by year-end. First seen is a reworked version of the DataHub/6000 DB2-on-RS/6000 database management as DataHub for Unix 1.0 with single-point control, new configuration functions, improved task scheduling and more. Integrated with third party tools, it will provide management of Oracle, Informix, Sybase and Ingres databases plus DB2 on AIX, HP-UX and Solaris, from a workstation. An OS/2 release will enable management of DB2 databases on AIX, OS/2, MVS, VM and OS/400. US newspaper InfoWorld also expects a DataJoiner for AIX which, supplied with a single SQL statement, can query relational and non-relational IBM and non-IBM databases. There is also thought to be a new graphical tool for tuning SQL statements for DB2 and DB2/6000, a performance monitor for both, a Simple Network Management Protocol agent that will link the databases to network management system tools, and a new version of the DataPropagator data replicator that enables data to be copied from DB2 and DB2/6000 to other networked databases, including Oracle and Sybase, when it is used in conjunction with the DataJoiner.