IBM Corp was among the numerous companies announcing new hardware using Intel Corp’s Pentium II 450MHz chip on Monday. IBM will use the chip in its PC 300 commercial PC and IntelliStation workstation lines. In addition, it said the new PC 300GL commercial desktop will feature Intel’s 333MHz Celeron processor. The company has said that it believes there are significant market opportunities at both the low-end and the high-end of the PC spectrum. It plans to introduce several new machines in the coming months to round out its offerings in both areas. Estimated reseller prices for the Celeron-based 300GL start at $989. For the 450MHz Pentium II- based PCs, estimated reseller prices start at $1,925 and $2,100 for the PC 300GL and PC 300PL respectively, depending on model and configuration. Estimated prices for the 450MHz IntelliStation start at $2,940, depending on configuration. All prices exclude monitors. Others announcing 450MHz Pentium II servers, workstations and PCs and Celeron-based PCs included Compaq Computer Corp, CompUSA, Dell Computer Corp, Gateway, Hewlett Packard Co, NEC Corp, Toshiba Corp and Tristar Inc. Even Intergraph Corp, which now has a court order in place obligating Intel to give it early access to new technology, came out with Pentium II versions of its TDZ 2000 ViZual Workstations, PCs and servers on the day the chips became available. Integraph was least a month late with the first batch of Pentium IIs, a delay said to have been caused by its legal battle with Intel (CI No 3,402).