IBM Corp is implementing its Web-based database interface for DB2 for Santa Cruz Operation Inc’s OpenServer system. is a framework for Web-enabling existing applications, specifically DB2 applications. It includes Java tools and libraries and NetObjects Inc’s Fusion Web site building and maintenance application (CI No 2,974), and enables any browser to access DB2 data, according to IBM. The idea is to turn applications that use DB2 data into Web-based applications. IBM is moving unusually fast with and admitted that implementing the product for OpenServer is not the usual route it takes. And eight-month-old NetObjects is creating a bit of a stir with its Fusion tool, which it claims is the easiest way of ensuring everything is kept up to date on a Web site. was previously available under another name for OS/2 and AIX. IBM says that the reason for choosing OpenServer so early in the cycle is the proliferation of Windows-based clients on iAPX-86 systems, with which OpenServer works. The beta test version of for Open-Server is available to be downloaded free from the IBM Software unit’s Web site from this week and will be generally available in a couple of months.