IBM Corp yesterday duly announced its new 16MHz 80386SXbased models in the PS/1 line and lent further weight to the suspicions that OS/2 2.0 will not arrive before next year by saying that the model preloaded with the new operating system will not be available until spring next year. The company has also decided to bundle MSDOS 4.01 rather than 5.0 with the machines, which has caused some raised eyebrows, because it is reg-arded by cognoscenti as a rather more troublesome release than the 3s, let alone 5.0. The new machine comes in two models, C42 with 40Mb disk and B82 with 80Mb. Both models come with 2Mb expandable to 16Mb, and there is an optional adaptor card unit for the baby one, which can take a 5.25 floppy, audio board and joystick or a CDROM drive. Both come with Windows and Works for Windows bundled, plus the Prodigy access software. The B82 model has two AT slots and can take a second internal disk drive, storing 129Mb for a total of over 200Mb. The machines come with 12 colour VGA display. They include 2,400 bps modem. There is also an upgrade programme for people with 80286based PS/1s C34s or M34s to replace their system unit for the B82 unit at $845 any time next year. The PS/1 286 SX C42 is $1,7000, the B82 model costs $2,200, now. The 4Mb upgrade board is $550, the 80Mb disk, $1,060, the 129Mb $1,500.