While the promises are grandiose, most of the new companies actually formed so far by IBM Corp are relatively small-scale, and the latest is EduQuest, the IBM Educational Systems Company in Atlanta under James Dezell, formerly head of IBM Educational Systems, which develops systems and applications for US primary and secondary schools. As a wholly-owned subsidiary it gets its own marketing force. Its first new product is the PS/2 Model 25 SX, the first 80386SX-based Model 25, a baby machine that has not been sold outside North America. The new one is not available other than to schools. It has 16MHz CPU, VGA 256 colour support, 1Mb to 4Mb memory with 16Mb possible and can take second floppy or 3.5 hard disk. All models include 12 VGA monitor, mouse, and MS-DOS 5.0 on floppy. It will be out in April and costs from $2,082 with 1Mb.