IBM’s new Audio Visual connection software and three PS/2 adaptor cards combine sound, pictures, and text. They use patented algorithms to enhance images in up to 256 colours, and can either rotate or change the size and location of images. Text may be imposed on images, and linked with related pictures and sound. The software runs on PS/2 machines under OS/2 Standard or Extended, or under MS-DOS. It requires an 80286, 80386 or 80486 PS/2 systems with a minimum of 2.5Mb memory. The PS/2 Video Capture Adaptor/A is a Micro Channel adaptor card that captures single images from an NTSC – US television standard – video camera, videotape, or videodisk. Images are converted from analogue to digital signals and compressed and stored on the hard disk. The Audio Capture and Playback Adaptor comes in two versions, AT bus or Micro Channel. It captures voice or music from disk players, microphones, or cassettes. The sounds are compressed and stored on the hard disk and can be combined. The Audio Visual Connection V1.0 costs UKP417, and the Video Capture Adaptor/A is UKP1,915. Both the Audio Capture and Playback Adaptor and Audio Capture and Playback Adaptor/A cost UKP480. Also available in the US, the adaptor card is $2,250, and the software programs are $150. IBM is looking for software partners to develop applications for the thing.