IBM is teaming with Hewlett Packard, Sonic Software, Tibco and the Globus Alliance in proposing WS-Notification and the WS-Resource Framework.

WS-Notification will trigger an action once certain criteria have been met, according to IBM. That event could seen suppliers notified to bid to replenish a company’s inventory once it drops below a certain level.

The work comes after IBM’s WS- companion Microsoft announced WS-Eventing, to send and receive information once an event has occurred.

IBM has defended its decision to take a separate route, saying its own offering proposed specification offers customers greater ability to scale while also wrapping up specifications for compute-intensive, grid computing actions.

IBM’s director of dynamic e-business technology Karla Norsworthy said she doesn’t believe the WS- roadmap authored with Microsoft is about to fragment with WS-Notification and WS-Eventing, and instead expects both specifications to converge following a number of tweaks on both sides.

Tibco, backing WS-Eventing and WS-Notification, said it sees merits in both approaches but belives the specifications will coverge. Larry Numann, Tibco director of marketing strategy, said WS-Eventing’s modularity suited small devices while WS-Notification is good in large implementations using grids and systems management.

This article is based on material originally published by ComputerWire