IBM Corp is claiming that its JDK 1.1.7 implementation of the Java Virtual Machine for Windows is 52% faster than Sun’s, according to the latest SPEC submissions. It claims to be 39% faster on the server-oriented VolanoMark than Microsoft; 20% better than Microsoft JVM by Caffeine Mark; and 23% faster than Microsoft JVM by JMark AWT Playback test.

IBM is not licensing Sun’s long-overdue HotSpot hot-rod compiler because it is not convinced that it needs it. It says that, in any case, it has added its own HotSpot-like technologies to the JDK implementation, including a mixed mode interpreter for dynamic optimization direct execution. It says Java2 has more to do with enhanced functionality than improved performance. It hopes users’ concerns about the uncertainty over Microsoft’s long-term Java plans will drive customers into its arms for its Windows JDK implementation.

Meanwhile, David Gee, IBM Corp’s worldwide program director Java marketing has gone off to Paris to get some business experience as assistant to Mike Lawrie, general manager IBM’s European business groups. He will return to the Java marketing group in California after his secondment. Scott Hebner is stepping in for Gee in the interim.