We’ve mentioned all these items already at various times, but just to round up IBM Corp’s autumn blitz, today sees the launch of the DO-2 AS/400 model – tomorrow in the US; next week come the one, two and three processor Summits, the three and four processor 9121s – 4391s and the 33Gb version of the 3390 disk drive – with up to three Bs in a string against the present maximum of two, doubling the maximum string capacity; the entry-level models of the RS/6000 follow in October, but are likely to be conservatively priced compared with the cheapest offerings from Sun Microsystems Inc and Hewlett-Packard Co; according to the Wall Street Journal, IBM reckons it is on target to become the market leader in Unix workstations in 1993 – Sun currently leads with a 32% market share.