IBM Global Services Australia will start 1999 with a new $168.3m contract from Land Lease, one of its three equity partners, which is extending outsourcing arrangements. The six-year infrastructure outsourcing deal and three-year applications development and maintenance contract comes into effect from January 1. Since the first Lend Lease/IBM contract in 1994, IBM GSA has implemented Oracle Financials, managed the Lend Lease Year 2000 IT delivery program, and transferred the Lend Lease data center to IBM GSA. IBM GSA’s client list includesTelstra, as well as Ansett, Cathay Pacific, the Commonwealth Department of Finance, Mercantile Mutual and TNT. In the year to December 1997, IBM GSA, which is owned 51% by IBM, 26% by Telstra and 23% by Land Lease, recorded sales of $506.3m.