IBM Corp made PS/2 announcements featuring the 50MHz 80486 and the 80486DX2 speed-doubler version that presents a 25MHz interface to the outside world while its internal organs tick over at 50MHz. The 50MHz 80486 is featured in two new models of the PS/2 Model 95 XP 486 0MF and 0MT models with 40Mbyte-per-second streaming data rate, a 256Kb Level 2 cache, 16Mb of ECC memory, XGA graphics with 512Kb video memory, and 2.88Mb floppy all standard. The 0MF model has a 400Mb SCSI drive and the 0MT a 1Gb disk, and takes a total of 3.2Gb for use as a server. There are 4Mb and 16Mb 70nS memory expansion modules but they won’t be ready until July and the prices seem to explain why IBM is so desperate for a very low-cost mail-order house like Northgate Computer Systems Inc – the 400Mb model costs a blench-making $20,000 and the 1Gb is $22,645; 4Mb memory is $750; and maintenance is $1,925 a year on-site, $1,825 if you send the thing back. All the other items, below, are out at the end of the month. The Model 95 XP 486 with the speed-doubler 80486 in it is the Model 0LF. It has 8Mb of 70nS memory, 2.88Mb floppy and 400Mb disk, takes up to 3.2Gb disk with 32-bit bus master IBM PS/2 SCSI Adaptor with Cache running at a burst speed of up to 16.6Mbytes-per-second, and costs $12,100. The 80486DX2 is also available in two new Model 90 XP 486 machines, the 0L9 and 0LF with 8Mb of 70nS memory, XGA and 2.88Mb floppy. The smaller has a 160Mb disk at $7,900, the bigger a 400Mb disk and is $9,800. The floppy is a new 1 high 3.5 2.88Mb drive with media sense for 720Kb and 1.44Mb disks. The 80486DX2 chip is also available as an upgrade for slower 90 and 95 XP 486 machines. It costs $2,600 when replacing a 20MHz 80486SX, $1,455 when replacing a 25MHz and $1,250 replacing a 33MHz 80486. The removed processor complex becomes the property of IBM and must be returned. The new 1Gb disk drive has an 11mS access time 256Kb look-ahead buffer and arrives in June at $5,000. The company also cut prices on some Model 90s and 95s by 5% to 26%, the biggest cut being on the Model 90 with 33MHz 80486 processor and 400Mb, now $9,300.