All the rules for software technical support are changed

IBM has re-jigged the structure for technical software support for AS/400s. It includes a base set of Program Services, at no additional charge, with the basic Version 3 software licence. IBM is also expanding the AS/400 Support Line service with new options, a premium level, and support for several new models. The base set of Program Services enables customers to report code-related problems electronically, via fax, or by mail. In addition to Program Services, the complimentary Getting Started period of AS/400 Support Line service is designed to help with installation and usage assistance. AS/400 Support Line provides voice access to usage and code-related problem support. It is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for the first three months after shipment of OS/400 Version 3 software to each customer. After this, users can contract for continued voice access through the AS/400 Support Line fee offering, or for other support services. IBM has also enhanced the AS/400 Support Line. There’s no longer any need to distinguish between code-related problems and usage questions. A single phone number is available for all AS/400 software support. New AS/400 Support Line options include additional contact option – the ability to add one or more customer contacts to those eligible to call AS/400 Support Line; the option to select all or specific software products for coverage; and a new level of AS/400 Support Line, called AS/400 Support Line – Premium. New line support includes full shift coverage; additional contact, with up to four additional contacts eligible to call AS/400 Support Line, and coverage for all products in the AS/400 Expanded Software Products List. With the expansion of AS/400 Support Line to include code-related problem support, effective immediately, AS/400 WarrantyLine is withdrawn from marketing. With the House Call announcement, AS/400 House Call is also withdrawn effective immediately. All current contracts will be converted automatically to IBM House Call.

The 9337 disk array Models 210 and 220 are withdrawn from August

As of August, IBM is withdrawing its Disk Array Subsystem 9337 Models 210 and 220. It has also set up a special deal on the IBM 9336 II Disk Unit Model 025. Effective immediately, customers can receive a special price of $13,500 on the unit when placing the order through 800-IBM-CALL in the US. Combined with the IBM 9332 and 9335 Trade-In Programme, the total trade-in credit maximum will change accordingly. In fact the 9332 and 9335 trade-in programmes have also been changed; trade-in values have been reduced, and discount maxima are modified. In addition, participants can now trade in eligible products for AS/400 Advanced System internal feature disk.

Visual RPG looms large in latest release of the AS/400 Application Development Utilities

IBM has launched Version 3 Release 1 of its AS/400 Application Development Utilities. This consists of the Application Development ToolSet/400, CoOperative Development Environment/400 – CODE/400, Application Development Toolset Client Server/400 and Communications Utilities/400. CODE/400 is designed to provide the productivity of the personal computer environment and the integrity of the AS/400 in developing AS/400 applications. The Toolset Client Server/400 says IBM, provides the synergy of a workstation-based development environment for maintaining current AS/400 applications and creating new client-server applications, and contains both CODE/400 and Visual RPG Client/2 functions. ADTS/400 replaces Version 2 of Application Development Tools/400 and Application Development ToolSet/400. It provides a set of integrated tools for AS/400 application developers on non-programmable terminals and, says the company, provides the foundation for client-server application development through the CODE/400, AS/400 Visual RPG Client/2 and client-server ADTS CS/400 workstation products. There’s a new file compare and merge utility and interactive source debugger in ADTS/400, along with two opti

onal tools Application Dictionary Services/400, an impact analysis tool, and Application Development Manager/400, a change management tool. Communications Utilities/400 has been enhanced to help improve user productivity. The remote job entry component now supports transmission of data with records up to 255 bytes. Customised modifications to network job entry ++ units, and new OfficeVision/400 mail sensitivity levels based on OSI X.400 standards are supported. The AS/400 Application Development Utilities 3.1 will be available in August. The Application Development ToolSet Client Server/400 will be available in December. Visual RPG Client/2 has also been enhanced with the release of 3.1. Designed for Integrated Language Environment RPG/400 application developers, it enables applications to be written for AS/400 systems with a graphical user interface on a programmable workstation. Visual RPG Client/2 has an intuitive, visual interface with which RPG programmers easily interact, claims IBM. Visual RPG Client/2 imports AS/400 user interface objects enabling conversion to a graphical user interface. It provides communication services to access AS/400 databases – now called DB2/400, programs and other AS/400 system objects. Programmers are presented with a visual interface that creates the graphical user interface code, and can create applications by choosing controls from the control palette, moving them onto the design editor. The new version will be available in December.

IBM changes the trade-in rules for System/38 and System/36 users moving up to the AS/400

The company has also changed the trade-in rules for the System/36 and the System/38. Customers can now earn credit by trading in their installed System/36 and System/38 systems and buying eligible AS/400 9402 and 9406 Advanced Series models. The 135, 140 and F Models are being withdrawn from this programme. The final order date for buying 135, 140 and F Models under the programme is May 30 1994; the final Date of Installation for these models must occur on or before June 30 1994. Customers can trade in multiple System/36 and System/38 models toward the purchase of selected Advanced Series models. A replaced machine must now be available for pick-up by IBM’s designated carrier within four months of the Date of Installation of the replacement machine. Trade-in credits and discount maximums have been modified, and IBM Managing Industry Remarketers and IBM General Business Remarketers can now participate in the programme, IBM notes.