AIX APT Workstation/6000 Version 1

The AIX APT Workstation/6000 is a licensed program that creates part programs for numerically controlled machine tools. It operates on the RS/6000 and can be operated under the control of Resource License Manager. IBM says that APT relieves the part programmer of the responsibility for performing numerous calculations necessary to describe part geometry and features, and it enables the user to describe fully associative tool path geometry based on the part configuration. The session control portion is now claimed to present a logical view of all applicable user files, such as those containing APT source and control language files, and allows user selection, viewing, editing where appropriate, copying and deletion. The panels, screens, selection and data manipulation methods are similar to APTWS/2 programming language, which should reduce user education and support requirements in environments where multiple operating systems are used. When operating in conjunction with computer aided design and computer aided manufacturing systems, the Workstation/6000 helps control postprocessing of their data. There is an ASCII-based control language file format that is portable across platforms, including mainframes. Minimum hardware requirements are the RS/6000 Powerstation 320, 8Mb of memory and a 120Mb fixed disk, although fixed disk storage requirements depend upon the AIX options and other optional software planned to be installed. Minimum software requirements are AIX Version 3 Release 1 AIXwindows Environment/6000 and AIX XL Fortran Run Time Environment/6000. Resource Licence Manager is available to users whose installations include multiple RS/6000 machines connected by a TCP/IP-supported Token-Ring or Ethernet local area network, or for concurrent execution of the program on a single RS/6000 machine. Customers who pay a one-time charge for a licensed program receive enhancements and future releases at no additional charge. The AIX APT Workstation will be available in the US from March 29, and comes in at $10,000

APT Workstation/2 Version 1.0 for the PS/2 under OS/2

IBM’s APT Workstation/2 is a licensed program that operates under OS/2 on a PS/2 personal computer. It also creates part programs for numerically controlled machine tools. Presentation Manager session control portion presents a logical view of all applicable user files, and like the APT Workstation/6000, allows user selection, viewing, editing, copying and deletion. Again, like the RS/6000 version, APT Workstation/2 Version 1 provides an ASCII-based control language file that is said to be portable across various computer types, including mainframes. The APT Workstation/2 requires a PS/2 Model 50 with 3Mb system memory and 60Mb of fixed disk storage, or PS/55 equivalent. It operates under OS/2 Standard Edition Version 1.3 with Presentation Manager, and a program package is $10,000. It is available February 22.

AIX Numerical Control Postprocessor Generator Execution Library/6000 v1

IBM’s Numerical Control PostProcessor Generator Execution Library products have been enhanced to provide support for the RS/6000 Unix box. The AIX Numerical Control PostProcessor Generator Execution Library/6000, NCPGXL/6000, executes numerically-controlled machine tool postprocessors generated by the Numerical Control PostProcessor Generator, or the Numerical Control PostProcessor Generator for the Workstation on the RS/6000. IBM says that this is an extension to the existing Numerical Control PostProcessor Generator Execution Library for the Workstation which operates on the PS/2 under OS/2 or on the RT under AIX. Programmers can execute the appropriate postprocessor to check for errors caused by specific machine tool characteristics, and when the program appears correct, the programmer can create the actual machine tool-specific numerical control data on the RS/6000. Postprocessor commands are standardiszed within an installation regardless of the machine tool and numerical control programming system being used. NCPGXL/6000 accepts CLFILE or A

utomatic Cartridge Library input from most IBM numerical control programming systems. The minimum hardware requirements for operating AIX Numerical Control PostProcessor Generator Execution Library/6000 are an RS/6000 Powerstation 320 with 8Mb Memory and a fixed disk. A fixed disk storage of approximately 1.5Mb is required for each postprocessor, and approximately 1Mb for each thousand records of CLFILE. The minimum software requirements are AIX Version 3, Release 1 for RS/6000, and AIX XL Fortran Compiler/6000 Version 1.1. Available on February 22, the NCPGXL/6000 is $3,000.

X-Windows for DOS Version 2.1, AIX

Access for DOS Version 2.1 X-Windows for DOS Version 2.1 and AIX Access for DOS Users Version 2.1 is said to provide additional function to users in an MS-DOS-based environment and need to run applications in an AIX-based environment. This release of X-Windows for DOS Version 2.1 enables customers to run X-client applications from a 80286, 80386 or 80486-based personal computer running MS-DOS 3.10, or subsequent versions, by simulating a graphic terminal on an AIX network. IBM says that X-Windows for DOS Version 2.1 extends the range of MS-DOS users into X Window by allowing customers to use a MS-DOS machine as an X server providing access to X11 clients, and AIX Access for DOS Users Version 2.1 extends the MS-DOS file system into the AIX file system and provides access to AIX printers. MS-DOS files can be converted into AIX files or vice versa, and AIX log-on access is achieved through the provision of a DEC VT100 or VT220 terminal emulator. The AIX Access for DOS users version 2.1 program package is $400 and additional licenses are $360. An upgrade from Version 1.1.1 is $150, and additional licence upgrades are $120. The X-Windows for DOS Version 2.1 program package is $500, and additional licences are $440. The upgrade is $255, and additional licence upgrades are $245. AIX Access for DOS and X-Windows for DOS Version 2.1 will be available on March 22.