SAA SystemView Automated Operations Expert/MVS

The SAA SystemView Automated Operations Expert/MVS assists in management of the system and is said to reduce the number of system outages and impact of problems. It is integrated with Automated Operations Control/MVS and NetView for MVS, and it uses artificial intelligence techniques embedded in The Inte grated Reasoning Shell for System/370 to provide a real-time decision making facility for advanced automation. It provides a SystemView-conforming end-user interface and is available June 26, 1992.

ScreenView for MVS/ESA SP-JES2 Version 4 Release 2, MVS/ESA SP-JES3

SystemView ScreenView is being introduced as a set of services that will deliver a task-oriented programmable workstation (PS/2) front end to SystemView-conforming systems management applications. Applications are to exchange information objects, between applications, exchange data between host and programmable workstation, and support different skill levels with a variety of end user interface types. Highlights include a single point of entry into ScreenView-based systems management applications and integration services will enables objects to be copied between applications. An interface declaration language enables the development of end user interfaces with multiple user interface types, and a common set of services is claimed to save coding effort for the end user interface development of products. LU6.2-based communication support enables co-operative applications to communicate with remote systems without writing low-level communication code and cross system support of ScreenView facilitates a single interface to application functions across the supported environments. ScreenView will be available June 26, 1992.

SystemView Host Management Facilities/VM Release 1

SystemView Host Management Facilities/VM Re lease 1 provides function for automatically monitoring and controlling subsystems and applications, scheduling and synchronising automated support activities, and for managing system performance. It is said to complement the function of other performance and automated operations programs, such as NetView and conforms to SystemView Integration Level 1. It will be available September 25, 1992.

Secured Workstation Manager/DOS

IBM has announced that Micronyx Inc’s Secured Workstation Manager/DOS will be available from June 12, 1992. There will be one version of Secured Workstation Manager/DOS using the Data Encryption Standard, DES, and another version of Secured Workstation Manager/DOS that uses a non-DES algorithm for masking data. Secured/DOS will support a graphical user interface that conforms to a portion of the Common User Access in windows mode and will have equivalent character-based menus in MS-DOS. The products have the functionality of Triumph! Workstation Manager, Version 2 with added enhancements, including reduced low memory requirements using extended/expanded memory support, simplified installation, and anti-virus protection. Secured/DOS is designed to meet D2 subsystem requirements of the Trusted Computer Security Evaluation.

Workstation Data Save Facility/VM Release 1 Enhanced

Workstation Data Save Facility/VM is enhanced to provide support for Sun Microsystems Inc’s SunOS Version 4.0.1 and Version 4.1.1, and Apple Computer Inc MacOS Version 6.0.7 and System 7 clients. These new clients can be used within the server domain for backing up or archiving files and directories controlled by SunOS and MacOS systems. WDSF/VM provides a server program that manages the backed archived storage media on a centralised VM host system. Also, IBM has re-announced availability of WDSF/VM support for AIX Version 3 for the RS/6000 client. The WDSF/VM Programmer’s Reference can be ordered separately. It provides a description of the WDSF/VM server interface for client and server communications, and helps the customer in developing additional WDSF/VM clients on other systems and environments, without modification to its server program. AIX Version 3 for RS/6000 client will be available September 27,

while WDSF/VM Programmer’s Reference, SunOS Client, and MacOS Client will ship June 26, 1992.

LAN Resource Extension and Services/VM and MVS

LAN Resource Extension and Services/VM establishes a server environment under VM to enable Novell Inc NetWare clients to access mainframe resources. With LANRES/VM, one or more NetWare local area networks can be channel-attached to the System/390 or System/370 system. Also, it provides function that enables the central administration of the NetWare local area network, including the ability to administer user IDs, priorities, and access to resources. Data distribution services include the distribution of data to multiple servers from a central location, simplifying administration, and improving data consistency for all NetWare users. The LAN Resource Extension and Services/VM available December 20, 1991. LAN Resource Extension and Services/MVS establishes a server environment on MVS to provide support to multiple NetWare v3.11 servers directly connected to an MVS/ESA system. In conjunction with NetWare v3.11 running on a PS/2, LANRES/MVS provides disk services and data distribution. It is due to become available March 27, 1992

Financial Branch System Services Version 3 Enhanced

Financial Branch System Services Version 3 is now available with additional functions and enhancements. Microsoft Windows Version 3.0 compatibility is supported for specific environments, enabling FBSS and FBSS applications to run under Windows in 80386 enhanced mode, and exploit the memory relief provided by Windows Version 3. IBM says that this compatibility enables users that have adopted the MS-Windows environment as their operating system to exploit FBSS’ capabilities. Also, SNA and operator’s interface servers can now be loaded into expanded memory, and machine support for new PS/2 models is also provided. Version 3 became available on September 27.