IBM Corp’s Personal Software Products division has a Microsoft Corp Windows-compatible version of its SOMobjects Developer Toolkit: SOMobjects integrates IBM’s System Object Model and Distributed System Object Model, and the Windows version supports C, C++, Visual C++ as well as Symantec, Borland and Watcom versions of C and C++; it also includes bindings for Digital Equipment Corp and Microsoft’s Common Object Model, which means that SOM objects can interoperate with Object Linking & Embedding 2.0; Pricing has not yet been decided but Symantec Corp will incorporate it in its version of C++; Intelligent Environments Inc is to integrate it into its Application Manager programming tools; Netlinks Technologies Inc’s ORBitize distributed object CASE tool for OS/2 and Windows will support it; and Easel Corp will integrate it into the Enfin graphical user interface builder and Synchrony tool for designing, assembling and re-using objects.