IBM has entered into a 10-year outsourcing deal worth over INR800m with the Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF), Amul.

As a part of the agreement, IBM will provide information technology services to Amul and its milk unions to support their growth plans. It will manage and operate IT environment of Amul for the next 10 years by setting up a technology based on SAP Enterprise Resource Planning.

According to IBM, it will also build a Data Centre backed by a Disaster Recovery Centre. The project would begin with the implementation of SAP ERP application, along with the necessary modules and systems, which are expected to to increase Amul’s operational efficiencies.

Vyas, managing director of GCMMF, said: Amul has deployed Information Technology up to the hilt right from the grass-root level of Village Dairy Cooperative Societies by deploying technologies like Automatic Milk Collection System (AMCS) and also developed several innovative Business Processes unique to the country and known world-wise as ‘Amul Pattern’.

“Working together of Amul, IBM & SAP will further strengthen the IT processes and ultimately, the entire dairy Industry in the country will gain from new innovative IT platform to be evolved out of this partnership.”