The IconAuthor cross-system multimedia authoring tool that made the name of AimTech Corp, San Francisco and Nashua, New Hampshire has caught the eye of IBM Corp. IBM has signed a joint development and marketing agreement to enhance IconAuthor to include Internet, interactive television, and expanded OS/2 support, and IBM will also market IconAuthor to customers worldwide. IconAuthor supports multimedia development and deployment under OS/2, Windows, Windows/NT, and Unix systems, and supports a run-time player for the Mac. IBM reckons IconAuthor is ideally suited to development of computer-based training, performance support systems and self-service kiosks, and it will be enhanced to provide a native 32-bit player for OS/2 Warp, a player for Microware Systems Corp’s OS-9 – David – interactive television system, and Internet application deployment. IBM reckons that with VisualAge and ScriptX-based development tools, IconAuthor enables it to offer a full line of multimedia authoring tools.