US business customers using IBM PS/1s as a low-cost networked workstation will not render their warranties on the box void, despite the fact that IBM does not support such use, says Microbytes. Dealers in Minneapolis, Dallas and Chicago where the home computer is for sale before becoming widely available, were confused over the issue, claiming that IBM would refuse to support PS/1s working in a networked environment, for which the the PS/1 was not engineered. Yet some dealers in the cities where the PS/1 is available for sale have been offering the PS/1 with an expansion box that holds 3 AT-style slots and adding a Novell card. However, Brian Dalgatty, a member of the PS/1 design team told the Kentucky Computer Society, we have a 1-year warranty on everything that comes in the PS/1 box and we provide a warranty that the machine will do everything we say in our manual. If it doesn’t, we fix it. But the network card does not come in our box.