San Jose, California-based Hyundai America Inc is offering a a limited promotion that bundles SuperStor data compression software with its Super-NB386Sc notebook computer: SuperStor, from AddStor Inc of Menlo Park, California is a software program that increases the apparent size of hard disks by using data compression techniques and the company claims that hard drive capacity can be increased by 200%; with SuperStor on the 40Mb hard drive model of the Super-NB386Sc notebook, users can exploit the storage capacity of an 80Mb drive and the 20Mb hard drive model of the Super-NB386Sc can store 40Mb of data; the Super-NB386Sc with a 20Mb drive is $2,900, with a 40Mb hard drive it is $3,300; SuperStor normally costs $130 but it is included free of charge charge with every Super-NB386Sc until August 31; SuperStor uses a proprietary compression algorithm to compress files, and the storage space is increased in two ways; lossless compression techniques are used to remove the redundancy in stored data, and this is said to decrease the actual size of stored files by between 33% and 87.5%; secondly, the disk space is allocated in sectors, claimed to be more efficient than the clusters used by MS-DOS; the Super-NB386Sc is a 20MHz 80386SX notebook that weighs 7 lbs, and comes with 1Mb memory that can be go to 2Mb or 5Mb with proprietary memory cards; also, it has 128Kb of read only memory with EMS 4.0 expanded memory support.