Hyperdesk Corp has signed a joint development agreement with Reston, Virginia-based Digital Analysis Corp, claiming that the result of the deal will move the two towards providing Distributed Management Environment-like functionality, but from a solid Common Object Request Broker Architecture-compliant base. Digital Analysis currently markets the OS/Eye*Node network object manager, which it claims integrates network, system and applications management across TCP/IP and Open Systems Interconnection networks. It uses a drag and drop-style graphical user interface based on OSF/Motif. The agreement will lead the integration of the product line with Hyperdesk’s HD-DOMS distributed object management system. At UniForum, the two companies showed a prototype of Orb*View, providing a graphical map of the network, for real-time monitoring and control of HD-DOMS Object Request Brokers from a Unix workstation. Product should be out in the third quarter on Sun Microsystems Inc, Data General Corp and Hewlett-Packard Co workstations. Further products are expected under the HyperManagement name tag. Also at UniForum, Hyperdesk Version 1.1 of HD-DOMS, enabling developers to use both static and dynamic C language binding, adding an Object Request Broker instruction kit for building custom servers within HD-DOMS, and providing support for multiple concurrent object repositories. HD-DOMS runs on Data General, Sun and IBM Corp workstations, and an HP-UX version will be shipping within a few weeks. There is also a Microsoft Windows version. NetWare and MS-DOS versions will be out by the end of the year.