Using the OnBase enterprise content management (ECM) software suite, Universal will be able to provide its employees with instantaneous access to data, documents, records, reports and email throughout the organization.

Universal is implementing OnBase after an intensive evaluation process involving more than 15 vendors. Each vendor was evaluated based on analyst research, feature sets and capabilities including compliance, automation and quicker response times. OnBase was chosen as, while many ECM solutions require extensive customization, OnBase offers an easy implementation option that will allow Universal to deploy a low-maintenance solution that automatically integrates with existing applications.

Before implementing the OnBase ECM solution, manual paper processes were taking a lot of time and resources away from Universal’s employees, said Ruth Fisk, director of international insurance solutions for Hyland Software. By automating their business processes and eliminating paper documents, OnBase allows Universal’s employees to issue policies and handle claims much faster.

Universal’s deployment of the OnBase ECM system is expected to be fully completed by the end of 2007.