The X-Series, which was launched in partnership with media and tech firms including Microsoft, Google and Yahoo!, will be available from December. The broadband service for the phone will be priced like fixed line broadband, and offer use of mobile internet services free at the time of use, for a flat fee.

Frank Sixt, group finance director of Hutchison Whampoa, commented, Tthe X-Series heralds important changes in the business model for mobile media and internet. Moving away from unit charges will set mobile users free to enjoy broadband services without fear of ‘bill-shock’.

X-Series customers will be able to make and receive unlimited Skype calls with Skype PC users, and to any other Skype 3 mobile customer. Skype to Skype calls on a 3 mobile will be free.

Terrestrial TV, Freeview, cable, and satellite TV will be provided, and customers will be able to control their home personal video recorder to watch shows they have recorded, pause and rewind live TV, or even queue a recording when away from home using their mobile.