Human Designed Systems Inc, King of Prussia, Pennsylvania is laying down the gauntlet at the bottom end of the colour X terminal market with the ViewStation LX Series staring at just $750. A fully configured model with 4Mb RAM, Ethernet, serial and parallel port is from $750 to $2,400 depending on monitor. The family uses 80960 RISC architecture, enabling X client applications to run inside the terminals, offloading existing host computers and improving performance. Optional features include PCMCIA slots for local storage via Flash PROM or hard disk drives. It runs the same version of the HDSware X server software as the company’s other families of X terminals. The ViewStation LX includes full copies of OSF/Motif and OPEN LOOK window managers, emulation of DEC VT320 and IBM 3270 terminals. Users can also convert their own applications to inside the X terminal with the optional HDSware Developer’s Kit.