Information and communications technology (ICT) applications provider Huawei has released a 10 petabit (10,000 terabits) all-optical switch prototype.

The new PPXCprototype uses optical burst technology to provide flexible non-blocking switching of multi-granularity services.

The new release promises to allow for simultaneous high-resolution 3D interactions among 100 million people, as well as simultaneous voice services for billions of people.

The 10 petabit all-optical switch prototype provides large switching capacity in an energy-efficient way, supporting the implementation of ‘green’ optical networks.

The all-optical prototype is smaller in size and is said to consume less power compared to traditional electrical switches.

Huawei Transport product line president Cai Changtian said the release of the all-optical switch prototype is a significant step towards all-optical networking.

"With accelerated development of ultra-broadband packet networks, all-optical switching technology will play an indispensable role in backbone transport scenarios, such as ultra-large data centers and ultra-large capacity OTN switching clusters," said Changtian.