Chinese communications technology provider Huawei has completed testing of Dual Carrier-High Speed Uplink Packet Access (DC-HSUPA) and Dual Band-High Speed Downlink Packet Access (DB-HSDPA) technologies.

The company claims that DC-HSUPA and DB-HSDPA have achieved maximum rates of 10.8 Mb/s upload and 39.6 Mb/s download respectively.

The technology provider used its new network equipment and a Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 processor with its integrated Qualcomm Gobi 3G/4G technology for the test.

According to the company, the DC-HSUPA doubles upload data rates compared to single carrier HSUPA and the DB-HSDPA breaks the same band limitation for operators in possession of spectrum resources on multiple bands.

The technologies are said to be types of UMTS carrier aggregation for combining multiple mobile broadband carrier frequencies to increase overall data speeds and signal quality.

Huawei plans to make the new technologies available in the next five years in order to offer its customers better experiences faster speeds and connections.