Hewlett-Packard Co has released an upgrade to its HP VEE visual programming language which it claims is easier to use, and which supports Windows95 and Windows NT. Under an agreement with Houston, Texas-based Visual Numerics Inc, HP VEE can now work with PV-WAVE, Visual Numerics’s graphical data analysis software. A new graphics tool kit option enables HP VEE users to create two-, three- and four-dimensional plots, surfaces and projections. HP VEE now enables test developers to run the same program on a variety of disparate computers, beneficial when users are working on multivendor systems. It now supports all VXI plug-and-play drivers that follow the Windows NT, Windows95 and Windows frameworks, as well as the current 450 HP VEE drivers. In addition, HP VEE now can be called from C and C++ programs, Hewlett says. Users can also develop HP VEE programs that call routines written in C, C+, Visual Basic, Fortran and other widely-used programming languages. The new version of HP VEE gives users unlimited use of the run-time version, so they can develop programs and replicate them throughout a lab or factory floor by purchasing only one run-time version. Documentation has also been expanded, and enables users to print out detailed information including the HP VEE version, documentation date, object types and names, constant values, set-up information and transaction summaries. Several enhancements have also been added, based on user feedback, Hewlett says, noting that they include a new icon-based toolbar; easier ways to connect lines and simpler ways to move and manipulate objects; new panel functions, allowing custom control for creating the right look by locking, unlocking, positioning and sizing the display; and 51 new colours. HP VEE now works with Data Translation Inc’s Visual Programming Interface to create a complete data-acquisition and software offering, with access to AT, PCI, PCMCIA, VXI, HPIB, GPIO, RS-232 and local network-based systems within the same visual environment. Hewlett-Packard has also appointed a new distributor for its software and input-output products in Europe – Meilhaus Electronic GmbH. The company will provide German-speaking personal computer customers with data-acquisition boards and modules that work with HP VEE. HP VEE for Windows95, Windows NT, and Windows 3.1 is $1,000. Version 3.2, which adds Windows95 and Windows NT support, is set to begin shipping in February. HP VEE Version 3.2 for HP-UX and Solaris workstations is also expected to begin shipping in February, and its price will be lowered by a third, down to $2,000.