Turns out Hewlett-Packard Co had to go to Japanese partner Hitachi Ltd for the Windows NT implementation of its own Network Node Manager 4.0 which it will use in the fully distributed ‘Tornado’ version of its network management software on NT. First versions of the fully distributed NetworkNode Manager 4.1 release on Unix shipped in April last year. Source of the NT and Windows versions of HP’s OpenView network management components has long been shrouded in mystery. Network Node Manager 4.1 allows management tasks and processes that previously ran on a single server to be shared by multiple servers – as long as each server is running a full-function copy of the Network Node Manager. Hitachi developed an NT version of NetworkNode Manager 4.0 which it has shipped in Japan since the end of last year as Netm Cm2 Network Node Manager. HP says it licensed the technology back from Hitachi bring an NT version of Node Manager 4.1 to market more quickly than it would have been able to itself . Hitachi will license the completed Network Node Manager for NT back from HP and sell it as a future Netm Cm2 release later this year. HP says 4.1 for NT will be available later this year. Hitachi has also co-developed the HP OpenView OmniBack II for NTbackup and restore product which will ship later this year.