Hewlett-Packard Co promises some initiatives in the area of 64-bit standards later this year, with the aim of providing greater leverage for independent software vendors contemplating the move up to 64-bit software. The current set of application programming interfaces, including Spec 1170, are all 32-bit, points out Hewlett-Packard’s Precision Architecture RISC spokesman Larry Inman, with the exception of the IEEE’s double precision floating point standard. Independent software vendors are currently reticent about 64-bit versions and a measure of commonality between the vendors would give them some encouragement, believes the company. There are two ways to get to such a standard, said Inman, one through the grass roots of the standards and specifications committees, the other by pushing through a de facto standard by teaming up with some strong partners. Inman would not comment on suggestions that just such a tie-in with its new development partner Intel Corp might be on the cards.