Hewlett-Packard Co says it will further integrate its NetMetrix network-analysis software with Cisco Systems Inc’s hardware. The additional functions planned will discover and report automatically on key health metrics for Cisco routers and switches. The company also says NetMetrix reporter will consolidate Cisco-based data via a user’s Intranet with application, database, MIB management information base and network and system data. This will provide a comprehensive view of the overall performance of the information technology infrastructure. Hewlett-Packard say this powerful, Web-based functionality will make the NetMetrix reporter a key element in their OpenView information technology service-management initiative, tying information technology service and performance directly to the operational needs of the organization. The NetMetrix reporter, claims the company, is the industry’s first Web-based reporting tool. Purchasers of NetMetrix will be provided with report templates for Cisco networks, which can be configured to work in any Cisco environment. This new enhanced version of the Hewlett-Packard NetMetrix reporter has a starting price of $6,000 and is expected to be available before the end of the year.