Platinum Technology Inc is going to be a veritable force to be reckoned with in data warehousing as well as systems management, yesterday relieving Hewlett-Packard Co of its Intelligent Warehouse products for an undisclosed sum and porting it to Windows NT. HP clearly wants to be a solution rather than technology supplier to this part of the industry, which relies on the use of expensive, highly-complex software to store data from multiple sources in such a way that it can be sifted for business and competitive intelligence. HP will continue to support Intelligent Warehouse and DataMart Manager for three months until the sale is complete. HP already sells Platinum warehouse products; both will sell Intelligent Warehouse products going forward. Platinum’s first job is to port the software, which runs only on HP-UX, to NT. The competition includes the likes of vanilla warehouse companies such as Red Brick and Prism as well as the relational database companies and hardware vendors such as NCR and IBM.