Hewlett-Packard Co has deposed Sun Microsystems Inc as the leading supplier of Unix systems, if only by a tiny margin, according to preliminary results from market researcher IDC. IDC believes Hewlett-Packard made $4,426m on Unix systems in 1994, giving it 16.4% market share, compared to Sun’s $4,393m which earned it a 16.3% slice. Sun’s growth has slowed to below the overall Unix market growth rate. Overall, the Unix systems market regained momentum last year, IDC believes. Total spending on Unix systems climbed by 23.5% to $26,952m over 1993 figures. IBM Corp now leads in the mid-range market whilst Digital Equipment Corp turned in a remarkable 71.1% growth on its 1993 Unix systems business, finishing with $1,069m, a 4.0% overall share and now lies in sixth spot.