Hewlett-Packard Co is trying real hard not to show its Pentium Pro hand to rival Compaq Computer Corp, which is going flat out to get its own P6 systems away before HP does. HP showed a prototype of its P6 NetServers at CeBit and announced them – sans configuration and pricing – at Networld+InterOp last week (CI No 2,887). HP’s expected to use 200MHz chips and Intel Corp’s standard high volume motherboards in production versions that go to four-ways initially, running SAP, Oracle, Sybase and Informix. Industry watchers say Compaq may be faulted for weak duplexing, redundant power supplies and slots. And it’s no wonder Compaq’s worried about HP. Computer Reseller News quotes an IDC report as saying Compaq lost seven points of server market share in the fourth quarter to IBM Corp and HP, dropping to 33% from 40% the previous quarter. IBM went from 17% to 12%, while HP rose 2% to 13% market share.