Attempting to raise its profile in the corporate Internet/Intranet world, Hewlett-Packard Co yesterday made a big noise about what everyone and their dog seems to be doing already; creating net-based Unix and NT solutions using Netscape Communications Corp products. There were some references to enhancing printing and publishing for the Internet, including the creation of a customized version of the Navigator browser for use with future HP LaserJet printers, but the only real development appears to be in the direction of allowing HP OpenMail, Netscape Mail Server and Netscape News Server to exchange traffic and the integration of HP OpenView network management with Netscape servers. It’s some way short of the comprehensive alliance covering technology sharing and product development, as well as joint marketing, sales, support and training HP promised, and as far as we could understand from the call, the only input Netscape will have is to train the [HP] trainers. Netscape president and CEO Jim Barksdale said each of the relationships his company has with major vendors, including those with IBM Corp and Sun Microsystems Inc, address different sections of the industry, however, he could only characterize the latest one as important for HP’s cross- platform and end-to-end Unix solutions. HP will also resell Netscape SuiteSpot and FastTrack on HP-UX and NT-based NetServer systems.