HP Enterprise Services has been awarded a five-year, $176m services contract from the Nevada Division of Health Care Financing and Policy to strengthen Medicaid operations.

Under the agreement, HP will upgrade and manage the state’s Medicaid Management Information System; will become Nevada’s Medicaid fiscal agent; and will help the agency enhance service delivery to Medicaid clients and improve staff productivity.

HP will also process medical and pharmacy claims, review and process prior authorisation requests in addition to utilisation management and personal care reviews for the state.

HP said that it will assist the Medicaid programme in connecting healthcare providers with critical health information to improve overall care.

HP will add new decision-support systems and services, enabling better decision making through more accurate and up-to-date information.

Nevada Medicaid administrator Charles Duarte said they look to HP for a smooth transition to more effectively administer benefits to their residents and provide policy guidance to help them prepare for and manage challenges such as healthcare reform.

"We selected HP based on its deep knowledge and experience to help us enhance our Medicaid program operations to benefit Nevada’s Medicaid clients, healthcare providers and other stakeholders," Duarte said.