Just how good is the new machine? ICL lines it up against the IBM 3090-400J and the Amdahl 5990-1100 and reckons that the four processor IBM box delivers 81 MIPS, weighs 14,000Kg, covers 20 square metres, takes 88KW and throws out 80KW as heat; the Amdahl gets 91 MIPS out of three processors, weighs in at 7,910Kg, covers 14 square metres and takes 40KW, throwing out 37KW as heat; as for the SX 580-20, ICL says it delivers 90 MIPS, weighs just 1,200Kg, covers 3 square metres, takes in 15KW and throws 14KW back – sorry users, you’re not going to be able to keep your office block warm in the winter on that.