Desperate punters who missed out on the limited $1,500 run of Google Glass need not go without the spectacular tech eyewear after electronics supplier Adafruit released plans for a DIY version.

Assuming you already own a 3D printer (which can set you back anywhere from $600 to more than $2,000), then some video glasses, a Raspberry Pi kit, a wireless keyboard and a few electronics supplies are all you need to craft your very own set of specs.

"Our 3D-printed design turns this display into a Google Glass-like form factor," Adafruit said in a Youtube video launching the project.

"It easily clips to your prescription glasses, and can display any kind of device with Composite Video like a Raspberry Pi."

DIY Wearable Pi with Near-Eye Video Glasses (Credit: Adafruit)

Adafruit, founded in 2005 as a place to buy and learn about electronics, offers a complete set of instructions to build the wearable tech, in addition to offering to sell you the parts.

Whilst the result is not as sleek or well-built as Google’s design, it does offer a glimpse into the thinking behind what is thought by many to be the next big thing in tech.

And unlike Google Glass, anybody can have one if they have the cash and a bit of patience.