Reporting a loss late last Friday of UKP649,000 on turnover down 7.5% at UKP6.4m, Star Computer Group Plc blamed its Connect Data computer cabling and fibre optics installation subsidiary for the poor performance, saying that the losses that appeared at the end of the previous year continued into the current one. Connect Data ran into trouble when it acquired GDC and found it was not at all what it had appeared (CI No 1,346). In other parts of the company, the computer maintenance business of Star Computer Services Ltd maintained its good performance and Star Computers Ltd entered the second half with a substantial order backlog. Pinnacle Computer Systems was however another contributor to the losses – but that, the company says, is because its sales are concentrated in the second half. The company is cautious about the outlook for the second half, although it looks for considerable improvement with hopes pinned on a storming 1991.The shares were unchanged at 50 pence on Friday.