There is new hope for sufferers from Repetitive Strain Injury or Carpal Tunnel Therapy as the Americans more rigorously call the painful thickening and inflammation of tendons and nerves in the wrist from too much typing on a computer keyboard: the New York Times reports that a New Jersey orthopaedist, Dr Lee Berger has developed and patented a different similar to the angioplasty done to clear arteries leading to the heart; he says he has tested the procedure, which involves making a small incision near the base of the palm in the affected hand and inserting a balloon that inflates and stretches the ligament that is the source of the trouble to relieve the nerve pressure, so that when stretched enough, the ligament does not return to the position in which it was causing nerve difficulty, on 25 patients at St Joseph’s Hospital in Paterson, New Jersey, and that so far, all the patients he has treated have been able to return to work and have suffered no re-occurrence.